from RUS NY
Milford, NY — RUS NY will kick off the 2018 season at Goshen Historic Track. Qualifiers will be held on Sunday (June 3) and Sunday (June 10).
Entry box will close at 11 a.m. on the Friday before each date. You can enter online via the USTA website or call the race office at 845.294.5333. Horses that plan on racing under saddle must have RUS electronic eligibilities activated prior to entering for any RUS event.
Races are being funded by RUS NY and will follow the organization’s rules and regulations. Riders must be a member of RUS NY. (Anyone can join for free by e-mailing
Rider requirements for both races: Riders must hold a current active RUS license with the USTA and have at least one charted line behind the gate in 2018. Riders will need to sign a waiver and are subject to a breathalyzer. Riders must participate in at least two fundraisers with a minimum of $200 raised or get $500 in sponsors to participate in any RUS NY event.
Horse requirement for both races: Horses must be 3-years-old or older to participate (can be older than 14). Horses must show a clean charted RUS line in a time of 2:16 this year. The horse does not need to go with another horse. If there are more than eight entries those showing to be most competitive will be used.
Conditions: 5,000 P/Cs last three starts in 2018 at any pari-mutuel track. Horses with no harness starts will be eligible based on RUS qualifying times (must go 2:16 but no faster than 2:02 on any size track).
Father’s Day Matinee Race: Sunday, June 17
All participants will get $200 as long as they finish the race and all paperwork (W-9, Purse authorization is sent to RUS NY at 725 County Highway 45, Milford, NY 13807 no later than Friday, June 22.) This race can be used as the second ride needed for riders with less than two years experience, per RUS NY Rules and Regulations for future events.
Entries will be taken by RUS NY, not Goshen Track so do not enter online or call the race office. Entries will be taken on Thursday (June 14) from 4-6 p.m. Call 607.316.8268. Entries can be placed via text, but if a confirmation is not sent back be sure to call.
Grand Circuit RUS Race: Sunday, July 1
This race will go for an estimated purse of $2,000 to be paid out as follow:
5 or more starters — 50, 25, 12, 8, 5 percent
4 starters — 50, 25, 15, 10 percent
3 starters — 50, 30, 20 percent
All W-9s and purse authorizations must be sent to RUS NY at 725 County Highway 45, Milford, NY 13807 no later than Monday (July 9). All RUS NY rules and regulations will be used — see for more details. Trainers and owners of horses that participate in the June 17 matinee will get first preference into the Grand Circuit race if there are more horses entered than can fit behind the gate. Riders who participate in the matinees or June race will also get preference if not on the same mount.
Entries will be taken by RUS NY, not Goshen Track, so do not enter online or call the race office. Entries will be taken on Wednesday (June 28) from 4-6 p.m. Call 607.316.8268. Entries can be placed via text, but if a confirmation is not sent back be sure to call.
No horse will be allowed to race, or be permitted to enter the grounds of Goshen Historic Track, without the following:
1. Proof of negative Coggins (EIA) test, within 12 months of race date.
2. Proof of rabies vaccination, within 12 months of race date and not less than 14 days prior to race date.
Non-New York state horses: all horses entering New York State must have all of the above and a certificate of veterinary inspection (interstate health chart) issued within 30 days of arrival on the grounds of Goshen Historic Track.