Scarborough Downs cancels Friday card

by Mike Sweeney, publicity director, Scarborough Downs

Scarborough, ME — Due to extreme temperatures and an elevated heat index in southern Maine, the Friday afternoon (July 22) harness racing program has been canceled at Scarborough Downs.

While it is always disappointing to lose a performance, the overwhelming concern must always be the welfare of the horses and horsemen and women who put on the show. Their safety and well-being are of paramount importance.

The decision to cancel was made in concert with leaders of the harness racing industry as well as preeminent equine practitioners in the state.

“We’re in uncharted territory,” said equine veterinarian Denise McNitt. “The chance that the extreme weather conditions might cause harm to our horses that we love was a gamble that we were not willing to take. It’s a great testament to both the leadership and the rank and file of the harness racing industry in Maine, as well as Scarborough Downs, that we could come together and take proactive action to ensure the safety of our horses.”

With weather conditions expected to improve Saturday, live racing is scheduled to resume at Scarborough that afternoon at 4 p.m.

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