Senator Mike Enzi receives AHC’s Rolapp Award

from the American Horse Council

Washington, DC — Each year the American Horse Council presents the Rolapp Award to a member of Congress who has been a great supporter of the horse industry. The Award is presented in honor of the late Rich Rolapp who was president of the AHC from 1974 to 1993. Previous award winners include Senators Mitch McConnell, Jim Bunning, and Blanche Lincoln, and Congressmen Hal Rogers, Bob Goodlatte, Larry Combest, Jim McCrery, and Bart Gordon, among others.

AHC photo

AHC President Julie Broadway presents Senator Mike Enzi of Wyoming with the American Horse Council’s 2017 Rolapp Award.

This year, Senator Mike Enzi of Wyoming was presented with the American Horse Council’s 2017 Rolapp Award for his outstanding service to the horse industry. The award was presented to Senator Enzi on June 14 at a Congressional Reception on Capitol Hill during the AHC’s annual meeting in Washington before leaders of the horse industry and members of Congress.

“Senator Enzi understands how important our national forests and trails are to the horse industry, and his involvement in the National Forest Service Trail Stewardship Act was critical to ensuring that this important piece of legislation would be passed,” said AHC President Julie Broadway.

“Thousands of Americans enjoy riding in national forests every year and the current backlog of deferred maintenance in the national forest trail system not only threatens their ability to enjoy these national treasures, but also the entire $32 billion recreational riding industry and the 128,000 jobs it directly supports. This bill is an important step to address the maintenance backlog and will help make certain that equestrians and all trail users are able to have access to and enjoy our national forest.”

“America and especially Wyoming, is home to a wealth of scenic beauty and natural treasures that just can’t be found anywhere else,” said Senator Enzi. “The National Forest System Trails Stewardship Act will make the most of our resources, maximize the use of volunteers and improve access to our national forests for generations to come. I appreciate receiving the Rolapp Award in recognition of my work to pass this law in order to help expand access for those willing to explore the natural wonder of our national forests.”

Senator Enzi was sworn in as Wyoming’s 20th United States Senator on Jan. 7, 1997. He has made a name on Capitol Hill for his unique way of breaking down party lines and working across the aisle and has had more than 100 bills signed into law. Senator Enzi is the Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee and a member of the Finance Committee, Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee and the Small Business Committee.

Enzi also recognizes the importance of the cowboy in American history and culture, and of course the horse is inseparable from the legacy of the cowboy. Every year Senator Enzi is the primary sponsor of the Senate Resolution which declares the fourth Saturday in July “National Day of the American Cowboy.” The AHC appreciates Senator Enzi for honoring this enduring symbol of America and the culture, traditions and values that are so important to the horse community.

“For all of these reasons, and because Senator Enzi recognizes the importance of the $102 billion horse industry to both Wyoming and the United States, it is truly a pleasure to present this year’s Rolapp award to him,” said Broadway.

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