SHOP seeks to surrender its charter

from SHOP and COSA

The Standardbred Horse Owners Panel (SHOP) is proposing to its members that it surrender its charter as a corporation.

Dave Drew, SHOP’s President, advised that letters have been sent to its members with a recommendation by the Board of Directors to support a resolution at its November 11 annual general meeting to end SHOP’s operations. Members are also provided with proxy statements in the event that they are unable to attend the annual meeting.

Drew stated, “Membership numbers in SHOP have remained low and we have not found a source of long-term, sustainable funding. In addition, the work of SHOP can continue through an Owners’ Panel that has been set up by the Central Ontario Standardbred Association (COSA). This will streamline the number of horsepeople organizations in Ontario and still provide a voice for owners in our industry. SHOP encourages its current members to join the COSA organization.”

COSA President Bill O’Donnell said, “SHOP has had ongoing discussions with our group. SHOP requested that COSA set up an Owners’ Panel and we were pleased to do so. We welcome the opportunity to have SHOP members join COSA. Several have already become part of our organization including three members of our Board of Directors. COSA is committed to represent owners as well as drivers, trainers and caretakers.”

For further information, contact: Dave Drew at 905.932.9720 or Bill O’Donnell at 519.823.6669.

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