Spring Station Bloodstock yearling videos available

Videos for the 12 yearlings being sold by Spring Station Bloodstock are now available on the sale website, www.lexingtonselected.com.

Consignment highlights include:

Hip #41 Pleasure Station – Handsome Sweet Lou colt out of a full sister to the dam of Bythemissal p,1:47.1 ($1,665,584).

Hip #66 Charlotte Station – Big and beautiful Captaintreacherous filly out of a sister to Southwind Ozzi p,3,1:48f ($1,119,520).

Hip #188 Barbie Station – Athletic Walner filly from the immediate family of Hambletonian Oak winners Ariana G 1:50.2 ($2,600,995) and All The Time 3,1:52.1 ($1,026,356)

Hip #283 Allswell Station – Pretty Muscle Hill filly out of a sister to Anoka Hanover 3,1:52.3f ($792,739).

The yearlings will be available for inspection at the farm until Friday (Sept. 29). Please call or text Sasha Moczulski at 302.898.3855 to schedule an appointment at the farm. Showing at the sale will begin Saturday (Sept. 30) at 8 a.m. in Barn 14.

Cookies in the shape of your favorite Spring Station yearling’s hip number as well as complimentary cocktails will be available each sale day. In addition, each successful purchaser will be given a celebratory swag bag. The purchaser of Barbie Station will also be entitled to her personal pink brow band, Ken not included.

Please visit our inaugural yearling consignment to inspect our yearlings. We look forward to seeing you.

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