SRF adoptions soar, but obstacles continue

from the Standardbred Retirement Foundation

Hamilton, NJ — When the Standardbred Retirement Foundation was faced with time constraints to vacate the farm they made their headquarters for the past five years, the news made for a very busy few weeks.

While the organization is looking at prospective new homes, it is welcoming the increase in adoption inquiries. Of the 42 Standardbreds at the Hamilton, N.J., farm, 14 found loving adopted homes in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, New York, Massachusetts and Virginia.

SRF has 28 horses left at the location still in need of homes, including the eight that will move to temporary situations until the non-profit makes a move. Scaling down the number of horses before a move is a must.

Two things still need to happen — finding the right home for SRF and finding a home for two special needs horses. The two Standardbreds are a 22-year-old blind gelding and his loving companion, a little 21-year-old mare who guides him around their paddock.

“These two have been with us for a long time and need to stay together. The mare is gentle and sweet and only pony size. Her growth was stunted, but her heart surely wasn’t,” said Kim Mitaritonna, SRF’s caretaker.

A new home is not confirmed just yet; there are possibilities but each one has a stumbling block. Location, size of pastures, office space, water to fields, shelter, and occupancy limits are items that play a role in where SRF puts down roots. Until SRF actually plants their hooves somewhere, they welcome other possibilities for a new home and hope to continue to reduce the number of horses that will need to ship with them by finding more suitable homes. Please contact Jen Nagle, Adoption Coordinator, at

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