SRF rescue efforts still need more help

from the Standardbred Retirement Foundation

Cream Ridge, NJ — The 38 horses at risk for slaughter still have great needs. Most have been removed from harm’s way, but 13 need homes. Some had offers that have fallen through. The Standardbred Retirement Foundation is unable to take on new horses at this time, with 393 already under its care and expense.

Without homes, the expenses for care weighs heavily on the 29-year-old non-profit. At $350 a month for each of them, and with colder months close by, it is likely they will be with SRF until spring or summer of next year. A few appear to have been in trailer or road accidents. Many will need a long period of rest and rehabilitation to become whole again, physically and in spirit.

Homes and donations are very much needed. To offer a home contact Tammy at 609.739.3255 or email

Donations are desperately needed. To help:

SRF Paypal
SRF GoFundMe
SRF Website
Or contact Tammy at 609.738.3255.

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