SRF seeks breedings to feed 378 Standardbreds

Cream Ridge, NJ — The Standardbred Retirement Foundation seeks tax-deductible donations of breedings to help the 378 trotters and pacers under its expense and care.

SRF is the largest, most productive, Standardbred exclusive non-profit in the United States caring for 350 percent more trotters and pacers than any other organization. Ninety percent of the support to care for these horses comes from the generosity of individuals.

Why SRF needs your help. It’s different: SRF follows up semi-annually on every adoption for life so no horse is ever at risk.

Your support through tax-deductible breeding donations, or with a tax-deductible gift, is much needed and appreciated. Please support this vital fundraiser.

For breeding donations please contact Tammy at 609.738.3255, or via email at

To make a tax-deductible donation call the office at 609.738.3255, or email, donate online on our Facebook page or our website.

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