Success for The Stable’s Open House and Foodbank campaign

from The

Guelph, ON — More than 300 people packed into Tomiko Training Centre near Puslinch, Ontario on Nov. 26 to attend The Stable’s second annual Christmas Open House.

They came from all across Ontario and the U.S. and brought with them enough non-perishable food donations to fill 110 feed bags — one for each horse in The Stable and representing a total of 2,750 kg in donated items. Many who could not attend donated C$2,060 to the #OurHorsesFeedPeople campaign organized by The Stable to support the Guelph Food Bank.

The free Open House welcomed current clients of The Stable and newcomers to meet each other, The Stable staff and horses. A live broadcast of the four-hour event was viewed online by nearly 5,000 people as 56 yearlings were showcased in ten sets on the racetrack. A food truck graciously provided by The Stable client Adriano Sorella kept guests fueled throughout the five-hour event.

The Open House welcomed 13 new clients, including 10 first-time racehorse owners.

The Stable congratulates the winners of its Open House contest awarding five one-percent shares of Mr Caper (Guccio-Caper Caillie): two shares were awarded to new and current email list members Paul Williamson of Illinois and Mark Ramsay of Nova Scotia; three shares were awarded to Open House attendees Shirley House, Don Scott and Corey Fraser (all of Ontario).

The Stable now boasts 108 horses and 378 active racehorse owners from 10 countries. Anthony and Amy MacDonald, of Guelph, launched the venture in 2015 as a fractional ownership stable — a model which welcomes newcomers to horse ownership with a very modest and low-risk investment, and completely accessible and transparent operations.

The Stable would like to thank everyone who supported the Open House and #OurHorsesFeedPeoplecampaign, including its loyal clients and staff.

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