Sultry Susan does her ‘Hi Ho Silver’ impersonation

by John Manzi, for Monticello Raceway

Monticello, NY — When is the first horse across the finish line not the race winner? When said horse is disqualified.

That’s exactly what happened in the eighth race on Wednesday (June 24) at Monticello Raceway.

Geri Schwarz photo

Sultry Susan, in the winner’s circle on Wednesday at Monticello.

Sultry Susan, a 2-year-old daughter of Art Major-Parlay Hanover was making her first pari-mutuel start with Jimmy Taggart Jr. in the bike. The filly was cruising along on the front end until confronted by Bullville Go and driver Bruce Aldrich Jr.

But as they ranged alongside, Sultry Susan bolted to the outside which caused interference with Bullville Go and although Sultry Susan was first under the wire she was disqualified.

Not knowing the judges’ final decision, Taggart took Sultry Susan to the winner’s circle for a photograph and one was taken prior to the filly being placed out of the money for interference. However, while in the winner’s circle Sultry Susan did her “Hi Ho Silver” act, standing on her hind legs. She then returned to all four and exited.

It was shortly after that her connections found out that she was being disqualified.

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