The Meadows posts original Dave Palone interview on YouTube

by Evan Pattak, for the Meadows

Washington, PA — To coincide with the celebration of “Dave Palone Night,” The Meadows Racetrack & Casino today posted on YouTube an original interview with Palone, who on July 5 became the “winningest” driver in North American harness racing history.

In the interview, Palone discusses his life and career with Jeff Zidek, Meadows Live co-host and producer of the video. The presentation also features comments from Palone’s wife Bethann. To watch the interview, click on this link.

As part of Wednesday’s festivities, Palone will greet and sign autographs for fans, who will receive free Dave Palone hats and a keepsake journal commemorating career win 15,181. At 6:30 p.m., Meadows Live will air the draw for Saturday’s final of the $600,000 Delvin Miller Adios, followed by a special video tribute to Palone that includes rare footage of his early career and teenage years.

First post for Wednesday’s card, which features three divisions of the $60,000 Henry Oliver-Arden Downs for freshman colt and gelding trotters, is 6:55 p.m.

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