The Raceway posts record handle in January

from WFD Media

London, ON — The Raceway at Western Fair District kicked off 2016 on a high note, recording the highest single-month wagering total in the track’s history.

More than C$7 million was wagered on the London oval in January over a span of 17 programs, marking an increase of 36 percent over the same month in 2015 when 16 programs were contested.

The Raceway is just one of eight tracks that make up the Ontario Standardbred Racing Alliance and all have experienced year-over-year gains in wagering this season.

“In my view these latest wagering results are yet another indicator that the Standardbred Alliance is working, and moreover with government support, the Alliance has the capacity to forge a promising future for Ontario’s Standardbred racing industry,” said Western Fair Association CEO Hugh Mitchell.

The Raceway management attributed January’s high numbers to a combination of factors which were assisted by good weather, a favorable schedule and high exchange on U.S. dollars wagered into the Canadian pools.

“It’s a month where a lot of things fell into place and it’s an achievement our entire team is certainly proud of,” said Racing Manager Greg Blanchard. “Our goal is to put out an attractive wagering product with optimal distribution in order to keep growing our pool size. Customers have responded well this season and we hope to continue that trend as we get into the heart of our racing season.”

Two of the most popular wagers offered are the Pick-4 and Super Hi-5 — both offered twice daily at a low 15 percent takeout rate. The average Pick-4 pool in January topped C$12,000 while the average Super Hi-5 pool was more than C$11,000.

The Raceway is operating on a four-day-a-week racing schedule (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at 6:15 p.m. and Friday at 7:15 p.m.) for the balance of the season which wraps up on Friday (May 27), Molson Pace Night.

The Raceway’s annual Awards Night comes up on Saturday (Feb. 20) at the Progress Building of the Western Fair District.

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