USTA District 9 holds annual meeting

by Ellen Harvey, Harness Racing Communications

Augusta, ME — The annual meeting of USTA District 9, covering the New England states, met today at the Calumet Club in Augusta, Maine.

USTA photo

USTA Directors Dr. Tim Powers (left) and Don Marean. Marean is the Chairman of District 9.

There were 30 members in attendance, along with District Chairman Don Marean and Directors Fred Nichols and Dr. Tim Powers.

The agenda included presentation of the USTA’s major activities of the year, as well as discussion and voting on the members’ preference for action on the rule change proposals. Those proposals will be voted on by the full board at the annual meeting in Columbus in mid-March.

The USTA meeting was followed by the Maine Harness Horsemen’s Association membership meeting and annual banquet, honoring horseman Don Richards and saluting top performers, both human and equine, of the 2014 racing season.

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