USTA donates $5,000 to Florida fire victims

from the USTA Communications Department

Columbus, OHU.S. Trotting Association President Phil Langley announced Friday (March 18) that the USTA will make a $5,000 donation to the Florida Standardbred Breeders and Owners Association to assist horsemen involved in the fire at the South Florida Trotting Center near Lake Worth on March 16. The fire led to the death of 12 horses and injuries to many others.

“Long ago, in 1960, the stable owned by Billy Johnston and managed by my dad was wiped out in a fire at Maywood Park and I still remember the horrible smell and the sight of burned horses to this day,” said Langley. “It was heart-rending.

“This is a terrible tragedy for all of the people and horses involved. These are the times when we see the incredible support of others in the harness racing industry and the USTA wants to assist in the fundraising effort for those involved,” added Langley.

A horse racing online radio program, Post Time with Mike and Mike, quickly set up a GoFund Me account to help the horsemen and the training center that has raised more than $36,000 in the first two days.

Anyone wishing to donate to the fund can go to or by visiting

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