USTA introduces online driver and trainer licensing

from the USTA Communications Department

Columbus, OH — Applications for driver’s and trainer’s licenses can now be completed and submitted online through a USTA Online Account.

After logging into the My Account Services page and selecting the license, then Driver/Trainer options, all of the necessary tools to apply for a license online are available.

In addition, My Account allows the applicant to see the status of the licensing process, including whether references have been completed and exam grades, at any time.

Typically, through the paper application method, it takes between two and six months for applications to be processed and written and practical exams to be successfully completed. However, the online application process, by utilizing referencing through My Account, can potentially reduce the processing time by weeks, if not months.

As in the paper application, an applicant is required to provide at least six references, of which four who must indicate a positive response when their reference form is submitted. References must have a current USTA Membership/License in good standing and for drivers must hold an “A” Full Driver License, for trainers, an “A” Full Driver License or a “G” General Trainer License.

The online process begins with an acceptance of terms and instructions prior to completing an application questionnaire and the submission of references, who will each receive an email notification or a form that will need to be returned to the USTA.

Once the referencing requirement is met, the applicant is contacted by the USTA with a list of test administrators for the written exam. Once a passing grade on the written test is achieved, the USTA will send the practical exam, which also must be passed, and any other requirements, i.e. a vision exam, necessary to obtain a license.

Upon completion of all licensing requirements, My Account will indicate the newly issued license with immediate access to the USTA Online Entry system for those who have obtained a trainer’s license.

To watch an instructional video on the license application process, click here.

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