Walnut Hall Ltd. videos now available

from Walnut Hall Ltd.

Lexington, KY — Videos of the 26 Walnut Hall Ltd. yearlings selling at the Lexington Selected Yearling Sale on Oct. 1-5 are now available for viewing both on the Select Sale website and the walnuthall.com website.

The consignment includes a bakers dozen of colts and fillies by the red hot Deweycheatumnhowe. There are also 11 Kentucky-eligible yearlings, including three trotters by Groton Hall, sire of the winner of the $250,000 KYSS final, Sorrento Hall and seven by the top pacing sire, Third Straight.

These Kentucky-eligible yearlings are among the very few eligible to the rich Kentucky Sire Stakes program.

All of the Walnut Hall Ltd. consignment are available for showing in hand and in the paddock at the farm on a 24-7 basis.

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