Christie panel calls for end to Meadowlands

by Paul Ramlow, USTA Internet News Manager

Columbus, OH — Live racing at the Meadowlands would end under a recommendation from New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie’s panel on the future of casinos and racetracks.

According to an Associated Press story, the Hanson Commission released a supplemental report Monday (Nov. 15) evening saying there is no way New Jersey can support two state-run tracks. For that reason, it proposes ending live racing at Meadowlands Racetrack and consolidating it at Monmouth Park, starting in 2011.

The plan also calls for the two tracks to be sold to the private sector. Meadowlands Racetrack would be used as an off-track betting facility under the plan.

“We have reached the conclusion that there is no viable self-sustaining industry model based upon two government-operated race tracks,” the commission wrote in the report. “Consequently, we present a direct and difficult solution to a problem that has been in the making for decades.”

Christie spokesman Michael Drewniak told the Associated Press that the governor is studying the recommendation.

The proposal would allow a six-day Standardbred meet to be held at the Meadowlands next August. Standardbreds would then race 30 days at Monmouth in the fall of 2011 and have a 70-day meet in subsequent years. Thoroughbreds would race 59 days a year at Monmouth from May to September.

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