Swandre The Giant sold for “seven digits”

from the USTA Communications Department

Columbus, OH — Harnessracing.com is reporting that Ernie Martinez, who brokered the deal that brought Down Under star pacer Lazarus N to North America and put together the group that bought the trotter Tactical Landing as a yearling for $800,000, told The Horseman Friday morning that he has reached an agreement to purchase the undefeated Indiana-based 2-year-old colt trotter Swandre The Giant.

Martinez bought Lazarus N on behalf of Taylor Made Stallions and now he is purchasing Swandre The Giant for Adam and Chris Bowden’s Diamond Creek Farm, Jerry Silva and Howard Taylor. While Martinez declined to give an exact price for the freshman trotter, he did say it was in the “seven digits” range.

To read the full story on harnessracing.com, please click here.

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