2013 Indiana mare registrations due August 1

from the Indiana Horse Racing Commission

Indianapolis, IN — Registrations for Standardbred mares which are going to reside in the state of Indiana for the 2013-2014 breeding season (for foals of 2014) are due August 1.

Mare owners who desire to have 2014 foals eligible as Indiana sired and bred must register their mare and have them reside in Indiana by August 1. All registration forms must be postmarked or faxed by August 1. The Indiana Mare Registration Form can be found on the Indiana Horse Racing Commission website at this link.

The Standardbred Breed Development Program now offers two levels of eligibility in which a foal may fall under: Indiana sired and Indiana sired and bred. Starting with the breeding season of 2013-2014 (for foals of 2014), mares can no longer be registered with the intent to register an Indiana bred foal.

For more information about the Indiana Breed Development Program, visit our website at www.in.gov/hrc or contact us at 317.233.3119.

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