MGM Northfield Park increases purses to $100,000 on two events for top Ohio-sired horses

Northfield, OH — MGM Northfield Park has announced that both the Myron Charna President’s Pace and the new Tom Aldrich President’s Trot will carry purses of $100,000 when they are contested on Saturday night (Aug. 14).

Both were originally slated as $75,000 races this year.

Named for a pair of Northfield’s past presidents, the Charna is a by invitation only event for 4-year-old and up Ohio-sired pacers, while the Aldrich will debut in 2021 as an invitational for 4-year-old and up Ohio-sired trotters. They will be part of a power-packed undercard for Northfield’s premier race, the $300,000 Carl Milstein Memorial for 3-year-old pacers, on Aug. 14.

“We at MGM Northfield Park are excited to offer these lucrative events for top veteran Ohio-sired horses,” said Dave Bianconi, Northfield’s Director of Racing Operations. “They will be a great complement to our main event, the Carl Milstein Memorial, that night.”

Connections of top horses that are interested in competing in the Milstein, Charna or Aldrich (all invitationals) can contact Dave Bianconi at or at 330.467.4101, ext. 52207.

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