Equine Science Center announces inaugural application process for Ronald S. Dancer Memorial Scholarship

New Brunswick, NJ — The Equine Science Center at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, is pleased to notify undergraduate students and incoming first-year students of the inaugural application process for the Ronald S. Dancer Memorial Scholarship.

The deadline to apply for the scholarship is June 1, with the first scholarships being awarded for the 2023-2024 academic year.

Rutgers Equine Science Center and the Department of Animal Sciences at the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences at Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, are pleased to announce the availability of financial assistance to undergraduates majoring in Animal Sciences with a concentration in Equine Science.

Scholarships will be awarded annually to full-time undergraduate Rutgers University students (including at least one incoming student).

Criteria include New Jersey residency, acceptance or current enrollment at the School of Environmental and Biological Sciences, academic merit, demonstrated interest in equine science, and demonstrated leadership and service to the community, school, and to the horse industry. Scholarships may be renewed annually with the approval of the scholarship selection committee.

The Ronald S. Dancer Memorial Scholarship in Equine Science was created to honor the memory of a man who tirelessly served the public throughout his tenure as a New Jersey Assemblyman in the state legislature. Assemblyman Dancer was a strong supporter of the New Jersey equine industry, agriculture in general, and the Rutgers Equine Science Center. It is only fitting that this scholarship be awarded to a student who demonstrates leadership skills and community involvement following in Assemblyman Dancer’s footsteps.

To apply for the scholarship, please go to this link.

This year, applications should be sent electronically. Applicants can send their application form, and essay, separately from the rest of the required documents. All recommendation letters should be e-mailed directly from the recommender. Transcripts should also be sent electronically.

Application items can be e-mailed directly to Kyle Hartmann at esc@njaes.rutgers.edu. Once all items are received, applicants will receive a confirmation of a completed application packet. For any questions, please contact Kyle Hartmann.

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