Blue Chip Farms yearling videos available

Wallkill, NY — The much-anticipated Blue Chip yearling videos for Goshen and Lexington are now available for viewing at, along with conformation photographs and pedigrees.

Blue Chip Farms has an exciting lineup of 10 selling at Goshen (Sept. 11), with an additional 10 at Lexington (Oct. 2-6).

The consignments include youngsters sired by proven greats like Muscle Hill, American Ideal, and Chapter Seven; and hot new stallions like Tall Dark Stranger and Green Manalishi S.

Blue Chip Farms is, once again, extremely proud of the group they’ve prepped and invite yearling inspections at the farm in Wallkill, N.Y.

Please contact Hector Cedeno (845.234.7557; or Nahuel Agosti (845.895.3930, ext. 11; to schedule an appointment.

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