2023 Economic Indicators show increases in wagering and purses

Columbus, OH — All of the key economic indicators, total wagering, per race average, per betting interest as well as purses were all up in 2023 compared to 2022 for harness racing in the U.S. and those increases were in spite of a slight decline in the number of race days.

Wagering increased by nearly $100 million. Total wagering during the past year was up by 6.6% with $1,585,358,199 bet in 2023 compared to $1,487,258,371 in 2022, an increase of $98,099,828.

Purses in 2023 surpassed the $500 million mark. The $501,391,585 in purses distributed in 2023 were $17,615,774 more than the $483,775,811 the year before, a 3.64% increase.

Betting per race increased by $1,960 (4.5%) from $43,592 in 2022 to $45,552 in 2023 and wagering per betting interest was also up at $5,823 last year compared to $5,659 in 2022, a 2.9% increase of $164.

Race days was the only economic indicator that showed a decrease with the 2023 total of 3,218 being 61 less than the 3,279 in 2022, a 1.86% drop.


2023 vs 2022 – Annual – Jan. 1 through Dec. 31

2023 2022 % Change
Total Wagered $1,585,358,199 $1,487,258,371 + 6.60%
Per Race avg. $45,552 $43,592 + 4.50%
Per Betting Interest $5,823 $5,659 + 2.90%
Purses $501,391,585 $483,775,811 + 3.64%
Race Days 3,218 3,279 – 1.86%


Please note:  The information above includes U.S. and Canadian common and separate pool wagers on races contested in the U.S.

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