Hippodrome 3R hoping for repeat of opening day

from the Quebec Jockey Club

Trois-Rivieres, PQ — Track management at the Hippodrome 3R is hoping for a repeat performance this Sunday (May 8) after their best opening day in five years last weekend.

And the numbers do not lie. Total handle for opening day last Sunday was up a gigantic 59.7 percent over the prior year. On-track live handle was up 8.6 percent and simulcasting was up an incredible 312 percent over prior year.

“It was wonderful to see numbers like that,” said Vincent Trudel, general manager at the Hippodrome 3R. “Our racing fans and horsemen and women came out and supported our opening day and we were able to grasp the attention and wagering dollars of simulcast customers both in Canada and the United States. Fans were treated to a newly revamped dining room, competitive and full fields in every race. Our horsemen saw improvements at our race paddock and our racing surface was in perfect condition.

“When nine of the 11 races on the program go in under 2:00 on opening day, that shows that our racetrack crew did a superb job. And also it is important that our horsemen and women supported us by entering their horses. We had full fields in every race and that is always inviting to fans to wager on. We also had some very nice win payouts throughout the day.

“But we cannot rest on our laurels. I am so pleased that we have 11 races with full fields again this Sunday. We are continuing to add new tracks that are taking our simulcast signal, it’s Mother Day this Sunday and if Mother Nature can help us by changing the forecast for rain to sunny skies, we should do very well again.”

Trudel is also spearheading the Quebec Jockey Club’s efforts to convince the Quebec government to help support racing in the province.

“We at QJC have already had several meetings with members of the government, even some ministers were met,” Trudel explained. “We have showed them the evidence from other jurisdictions that invest in racing and that it is profitable for a government, as it creates economic activity in regions, it even creates direct and indirect jobs.

“So far we have failed to convince them. But count on us to continue our efforts and steps in this direction. Ontario is a good model, right there, next to us. The Prime Minister demanded the lottery company to integrate the races in its business plan. Last fall they even appointed a vice president of racing in the organizational chart of the Ontario government. Why would it not be possible here?

“We all have a role to play in these efforts. It is not only the case of the QJC. If we want to move forward, everyone in the community should talk to his or her deputy, draw attention to what is done already and what could be done in the future. We must not give up and promote more than ever the point of view of our industry, which coincides in many respects with the prosperity and development of our regions.”

For this Sunday, Trudel and his staff at the Hippodrome 3R are rolling out the red carpet for Mother’s Day.

After the opening day card, there are 11 drivers tied as leading driver for the meet. It is very rare that not one driver in the 11 races did not win twice on the card. The same took place among the trainers too, showing how competitive the races were.

For this Sunday, even more horses were entered at the Hippodrome 3R and there are 11 races again, most featuring nine-horse fields.

Sunday’s 10th race pacing feature is highlighted by four return winners from opening day. They are Northern Juno (1:58.3) from post one, Some Hearts (1:57.2) in post three, Matts Phil (1:57.2) from post four and CC Nite Raider, the fastest of all, who won last week in 1:57 and starts from post six.

Post time this Sunday is 1:30 p.m. For a free race program, free live video feed of the races and other information about the Hippodrome 3R, visit www.quebecjockeyclub.com.

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