Chats with Champs: Bee A Magician

from the USTA Communications Department

Columbus, OH — The fifth and final installment of the 2016 Chats with Champs video series features 2015 Older Female Trotter of the Year Bee A Magician, a winner of more than $3.7 million lifetime and a major player heading into this Sunday’s (May 8) Mack Lobell Elitlopp Playoff at the Meadowlands.

We caught up with trainer Richard ‘Nifty’ Norman and co-owner David McDuffee at the Dan Patch Awards in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., to talk about Bee A Magician’s storied career so far and what 2016 may hold for the multiple Dan Patch Award winner and world champion.

To view the video, click the link above or here.

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