The power of a positive story

from Kawartha Downs

Fraserville, ON — The story of a Standardbred broodmare with a foal at her side adopting an orphan foal entitled “The Brother From Another Mother” has become an international sensation and the best feel good story in the industry for quite some time.

Last week Kawartha Downs shared the touching story of Emprize Hanover and her filly and adopted son on their Facebook page and it was picked up by several industry websites. Immediately Joanne Colville, whose High Stakes Stable is home to the unusual family, starting hearing from people far and wide.

“One gentleman from the US wrote me an e-mail and said he was over 60 years old and not embarrassed to say he had tears in his eyes when he read the story,” said Joanne, adding that’s she’s had countless e-mails, texts and messages about the story and asking how the popular little family is doing.

Kawartha has an active Facebook presence with stories posted on a regular basis. A popular posting usually receives around 2,000 views. This story is currently at 32,282. People from around the world have viewed the post, with more than 256 of them sharing it with others.

Comments have been in several languages and include remarks such as:

  • What a heart warming story.
  • Great story!
  • What a joyful story. Bless this mare’s heart.
  • I love this story & what a good mom she is!!
  • Mother nature can be amazing!!
  • LOVE good stories! Big thank you for sharing!
  • Standardbreds are so amazing – kind and loving animals…
  • Hurray for mom. Exceptional.

The trio will be on hand to greet fans at an open house at Joanne’s farm in Moffat, Ontario, on the afternoon of Mother’s Day — appropriately.

Related Articles:

  • The brother from another mother (Thursday, April 07, 2016)
    There’s a broodmare at Joanne Colville’s High Stakes Farm, Emprize Hanover, who will be receiving extra presents on Mother’s Day next month due to her loving welcome of an orphan foal despite already having a newborn of her own. Her wonderful, feel good story has become an Internet sensation over the past few weeks since Joanne shared it on her Facebook page.

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