GLADA drivers go for the gold

by Patricia Miller, for the Great Lakes Amateur Drivers Association

Hazel Park, MI — A field of seven Great Lakes Amateur Drivers Association members will take to the Hazel Park track on Monday (July 22) as the season’s horizon is looming into view and points count the most.

Good weather is promised so no excuses, no reason; the drivers must perform at their best.

Trainer Thomas Corwin’s Ciros Rebel drew the lucky one hole for a driver TBA and the second spot goes to Steve Oldford and Dojea Delight. Out in third is Joe Cirasuola with his own Starlitestarbrite and Kelly Walker holds down the four hole with Love Ignites. Perennial favorite Mylittlej with Richard Roach in the sulky will leave from the five hole in search of a third GLADA victory for Roach and Pat Currie will drive his own Lock Her N Cruz in sixth. Taking in the cool Michigan air will be strong competitor Larry Steenbergen with Miss Tiger Lily.

Summer is racing toward its end and so is the 2013 GLADA competition. Several drivers are in the hunt for the championship and fine racing will illustrate their competitive efforts at the track. It will be a great race to see so plan a trip out to Hazel Park and join the enthusiastic crowd on the rail.

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