12-year-old Joey Chindano wins race at Goshen

by John Manzi, for Goshen Historic Track

Goshen, NY — There may not be anything special about driving a winner in a matinee race. But when the driver is just 12 years old — that’s special.

On Sunday (June 10) at the Historic Track matinee races, 12-year-old Joey Chindano of Bullville, N.Y., made his first drive a winning one when the youngster guided veteran pacer Kevin’s Apples to a 2:05.2 victory which brought the crowd to a standing ovation.

The victory even brought announcer Howard Oil out of the Judges Stand — where he calls the races from — to say a few words on the 12-year-old’s victory.

Geri Schwarz photo

Joey Chindano guided Kevin’s Apples to a 2:05.2 victory.

“Oh my God, did you see that. A 12-year-old just drove the winner here at Historic Track. This may be a harness racing first,” an excited Oil shouted over the PA system as the crowd cheered for young Joe Chindano. “He drove a great race and look, he can hardly reach the foot-rests on the sulky.”

Young Joe was joined in the winner’s circle by his proud father, Joe, Sr. When Chindano the elder was asked if he was nervous with his son out there against drivers three and four times his age he quickly replied, “Not at all. I wasn’t a bit nervous. We have been training our three colts together and Joey handles the colts very well. I know he’s young but he’s been around horses his entire life. He loves them. Why he thinks he’s George Brennan, for gosh sakes!”

When young Joe was asked who his favorite trainer is, he blurted out in the blink of the eye, My dad of course.” And your favorite driver? “That’s easy too,” the young man said, It’s the Bomber, Larry Stalbaum. He drives my dad’s stock and he wins a lot of races, too.”

Young Joey Chindano is a seventh grade student at Harmony Christian in Montgomery. And after his thrilling driving victory on Sunday afternoon in Goshen on Monday morning he was back in school.

“He’s cramming for his finals now,” poppa Joe said. “But I know his mind is wandering from time to time thinking about his driving victory.”

“He’s a good kid and a good student,” family friend and fellow horse trainer Brian Yusko added. “He loves working with the horses and he’s good at it too.”

Editor’s Note: To see video of Joey Chindano’s victory, on the USTA’s Eye on Harness Racing, click here.

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