ORC allows WEG to drop Tuesday racing at Mohawk

from the Ontario Racing Commission

Toronto, ON — Following a period of public consultation, the Director has approved an application received from Woodbine Entertainment Group to vary the approved 2012 race date schedule for Mohawk Racetrack, removing 17 Tuesdays from the schedule.

After full consideration of the submissions, having reviewed the recommendation of the Implementation and Monitoring Group, having applied the principles of the Ontario Racing Program Framework, the Director approved the WEG application. As a condition of approval, the WEG management will continue to work with the IM Group and the horse people to monitor horse supply in the region.

Reasons For Decision

The following impacted on the Director’s decision:

1. There is evidence of a reduced horse supply for the months of January to April 2012 for WEG and all Signature tracks. These numbers have reduced from 2011.

2. In 2011 when Mohawk raced five days a week, WEG management had difficulty drawing sufficient entries and the quality of horses required for their betting public locally and internationally.

3. There was expressed concern that racing five days a week would be a continued strain on the horse supply at Mohawk and throughout the region.

4. Allowing WEG to race four days a week at Mohawk will better utilize the current horse supply and create a more competitive racing product, not only at Mohawk but at tracks in the region.

5. It is noted that wagering on WEG product from January to April at four days a week has shown a significant percentage increase over 2011.

6. A survey of its membership conducted by the COSA confirmed there was substantial support for continuing the four day racing week.

Please be advised that you or any other aggrieved party have the right to appeal the Director’s decision to the Commission pursuant to the Rules of Standardbred Racing.

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