Racing Roundup: Bad Rusty scores in Open, Wolfenden wins six at Harrington

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Monday’s (October 4) edition of Racing Roundup features a results story from Harrington Raceway.

Bad Rusty scores in Open, Wolfenden wins six at Harrington

Harrington, DE — Rodney Long’s Bad Rusty ($5.20, Ross Wolfenden) earned his eighth win of the season on Monday in the $22,000 Open Pace at Harrington Raceway in 1:52.4.

Fotowon photo

Bad Rusty was a winner in 1:52.4.

The Joe Hundertpfund, Jr.-trainee mounted his attack first over and wore down pacesetter Southwind Lynx for a two length win over Sniper Hall and Harlingen Hanover.

Bad Rusty, a 5-year-old Badlands Hanover gelding, has won eight races on the year and earned nearly $120,000.

It was one of six winners on the card for Wolfenden. He is on pace for his first driving title at Harrington as he currently leads Tony Morgan in the standings, 177-158.

— Matt Sparacino

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