Paul Minore joins field for Godfather Pace

by John Manzi, publicity director, Monticello Raceway

Monticello, NY — During his working days Paul Minore was a high school coach whose most prolific student was the great track and field athlete and multiple world record holder, Carl Lewis. But always Minore was enthralled with harness racing, though mostly as an owner. In 1994 he became involved in amateur racing and today he’s considered to be an outstanding amateur driver.

With 61 career driving victories from a limited amount of starts — he’s won three races in six starts this year alone — Minore will join three of his fellow amateur drivers when they compete against professionals on Thursday, September 2, in Monticello Raceway’s Godfather Pace, the eighth and final leg of the track’s Heritage Drivers Series.

“I read where Joe Faraldo said his compatriots competing in the Godfather Pace had an advantage over the professionals in that their families in the old country are the strongest. But since I’m Sicilian my families may have been the strongest of all,” Minore said jokingly.

Now with four amateur drivers competing in the Godfather Pace the stage is set for the first-ever Pro-Am competition.

“We didn’t set out to have amateurs against professionals and really our race is not one of such because each man is driving for himself and only the race winner will be eligible to drive in the All-America Cup (the series finale) on Oct. 11,” noted Eric Warner, the track’s Director of Racing. However the Pro-Am aspect can not be overlooked here and it may lead to a professional vs. amateur driving contest down the road.”

Minore owns a world record, taken right here at Monticello Raceway back on May 7, 2000, when he guided his veteran trotter Another Blizzard to a 2:15.1 victory over a distance of 1-1/8th miles on a half-mile track.

Besides Minore, the other amateurs in the Godfather Pace include Joe Faraldo, Tony Verruso and George Casale. The professionals who will be competing are yet to be finalized, although Warner is expected to have the remainder of the drivers set by the time entries, post positions and driving assignments are due on Monday morning, August 30.

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