Momentous remembered in new book

from the USTA Communications Department

Columbus, OH — Author Carol Ann Vercz tells the story of Robert (Bob) Rahner and the pacer Momentous in the just published book, “Momentous: An Unbridled Spirit.”

With 225 lifetime starts in a career that spanned from 1970-1981, Momentous won more than $325,000 and proved to the harness racing world the horse was worthy of racing at the premier tracks of the day — Yonkers and Roosevelt Raceway.

After numerous trainers, Rahner became owner, trainer and driver of the horse with dual personalities.

During his first four years Momentous was a friend to children but feared by adults. After 10 years of consistent wins with Rahner astride, the racing world gave the mighty Momentous a retirement party like no other on New Year’s Eve 1981.

The story is a bumpy ride, but an incredible one.

The book is currently available for pre-order on

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