Pennsylvania may lose fair subsidy for harness racing

by Sue Brickell, for the PA Fairs Harness Horsemen’s Assn.

Rochester Mills, PA — We need your help. According to Roy Wilt and Jerry Conners there is a very real possibility that funding for harness racing at the Pennsylvania fairs will be discontinued.

There is a possibility that funding for harness racing at the Pennsylvania fairs will be discontinued.

What impact would this have on you, and harness racing in general?

I believe there are no fairs that can continue racing without the $20,600 fair subsidy from the state that is used to fund overnights, Quakers, and pay the costs of racing for the Sire Stakes.

We need all of you to contact the Governor’s office immediately, along with your state senators and representatives.

I have included the Governor’s info and the Web site that covers the Senate and House. It must be done as soon as possible. Do not talk about it; call Harrisburg or your local Senator or Representative now!

Governor Edward G. Rendell’s Office, 225 Main Capitol Building, Harrisburg, PA 17120. Phone: (717) 787-2500 or Fax: (717) 772-8284

Contact for legislature:

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