American Horse Council’s 2010 Horse Industry Directory now available

from the American Hourse Council

Washington, DC — The most comprehensive national directory of breed and sport organizations, equine publications, state resources and racing and gaming organizations is now available for purchase.

The American Horse Council’s 2010 Horse Industry Directory is a yearly effort to bring to you a definitive source that puts the equine industry at your fingertips.

This year’s Horse Industry Directory has a staggering 1,200 listings including equine publications, state sources of information, breed registries and associations, show and sport organizations, racing and gaming organizations, and more. No other publication provides the depth of national horse industry resources found in the Horse Industry Directory.

For just $25, you can purchase the ultimate horse industry resource available. The 2010 Horse Industry Directory is also a member benefit at certain levels of membership with the American Horse Council and may be viewed on the AHC’s member’s only page for the first time ever.

You can join the AHC or order the 2010 Horse Industry Directory by visiting the AHC Web site at or by phone at 202-296-4031.

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