Daniel Houghtaling wins first division of Caretakers Classic

by John Manzi, publicity director, Monticello Raceway

Monticello, NY — Daniel Houghtaling, currently a groom for trainer Dustin Miller, won the first division of Monticello Raceway’s Caretakers Classic when he guided a pacer named Auditor N to a 2:07.3 victory on Wednesday afternoon, September 8.

In the process Houghtaling defeated four others, including his younger brother John, who chased him home and finished second in the event which was contested in jog carts without the use of whips.

Geri Schwarz photo

Daniel Houghtaling high-lines Auditor N to a 2:07.3 victory over Classy Ivory, driven by his brother John.

The five caretakers lined up behind the mobile starting gate just as they would have had it been a betting race and when the man said ‘go’ they were off and pacing.

Carlton Oney, from the Art Stamatien Stable, took the lead with Four Starz Equine and led the field to the quarter in a very soft :34.3. At that point Dan Houghtaling moved his pacer out to challenge and Auditor N and Four Starz Eqine raced side by side past the half in 1:04.4.

On the clubhouse turn Oney’s pacer began to fade while Houghtaling’s sped away from the field and passed the third stanza in 1:34.4. When Auditor N reached the final turn one horse broke from the pack and challenged the leader. The horse was Classy Ivory, driven by John Houghtaling, but try as they may they couldn’t catch Auditor N who rambled home a 1-1/2 length winner. Despite a slow first quarter the final time was a creditable 2:07.3. Oney and Four Starz Equine finished third while Erin Murr, of the John Peter Gobetti barn, was fourth with Chesapeake Royal. Chico Diaz, who works for trainer Billy Devine, was fifth and last with Call Me Biscuit.

Daniel Houghtaling, 25, from Monticello, has been working on the backstretch here for many years as have many of his siblings. He was thrilled with his victory.

“When I saw the slow first quarter I knew I had to make a move. I couldn’t let Carlton (Oney) keep backing it down.” Houghtaling said. “When we pulled away (after the half) it felt great and in the stretch my horse had enough to hold on for a win.”

Asked how he felt about beating his younger brother, he replied, “I didn’t feel bad at all. I was just glad I won.”

The Caretakers Classic is a series of two races for grooms with the second edition slated for Thursday afternoon, September 9. That event will go to post after the fifth race on the card.

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