Edgar (Sparky) and Cheri Clarke offer thanks to racing community

To The Entire Racing Community

You’ve all heard our story, our tragedy, our loss. We will never forget.

Every thought, prayer, card, phone call, and letter has given us strength and comfort at such an unbearable time.

We are in awe of how you have come to our aid.

Your donations of equipment, breedings, monetary contributions, and time and effort spent on fundraisers has been overwhelming. We thank you all.

Special thanks to Allie Skowyra, Cathy Smith, Carol Patton, Taylor Burgess, and Shannon Machovec and team Cal Expo. Also, Colette, Angela, and their team for taking on the enormous task of organizing what seemed like endless equipment donations.

Personal thanks to Jose Castillo, Jim and Dona McDonald, Mark Beckwith, and Mike Deters for giving us sense of purpose in a very dark time.

Megan Beauchamp, Jim Perez, David Neumeister, Bob Middleton, and Carol Howard, there are no words to express our gratitude.

Edgar(Sparky) and Cheri Clarke.

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