from the Florida Standardbred Breeders and Owners Association
Pompano Beach, FL — As most of you know there are various legislative initiatives and workarounds in process that could be harmful to horse racing and breeding in Florida. The various horsemen’s groups support taking the message directly to Governor Rick Scott.
The draft letter below may be helpful to you should you embrace, with us, taking our position to the governor. Time is of the essence.
Save Florida Horse Racing, its Jobs and Economic Impact
“Real Horse Racing creates and sustains Real Jobs!”
Dear Governor Scott:
As someone who is employed because of Florida’s Standardbred horse racing and breeding industry, I am respectfully writing to ask you to say NO to “pari-mutuel barrel racing.” The principal goal of “pari-mutuel barrel racing” is to replace our great horse racing sport (and also that of the Thoroughbred and Quarter Horse breeds) and its people with poker, card rooms, slot machines and eventually table games, all of which employ fewer people than Florida’s horse racing industry, meaning that people like me and my industry colleagues will lose their jobs. My job in the industry is ___________________________.
Whether it’s Standardbreds, Thoroughbreds, or Quarter Horses, Florida horse racing industry jobs, livelihoods and families depend on your ensuring that legitimate horse racing and its integrity is maintained in our state. Florida has the nation’s third largest equine population, five racetracks and hundreds of breeding farms and training centers. Classic race winners, across all breeds, are bred, trained, developed and often owned in Florida. Further, the Florida equine industry creates real estate taxes, sales tax revenues and consumption of products and services that make its annual economic impact in the billions. Tourism related to horse racing, and revenues generated in Florida from out of state and international buyers of horses sold at public auction in our state, enhance our economy.
I ask that you say NO to “pari-mutuel barrel racing” because it represents an entirely new form of gambling that takes advantage of the law under which the rest of us live every day. Florida voters did NOT ask for this new form of gambling, nor were the proper laws and regulations observed in creating it. Pari-mutuel wagering also demands fairness to its wagering public which is provided by the existing horse racing industry through charted past-performance lines by Trackmaster and Equibase, industry standardized racetracks, professional race judging and control of medications to protect the betting public in Florida and to locations which simulcasting of live Florida racing occurs. These features also protect the equine athlete.
Florida’s racing industry is internationally famous and the pride of our State. Why let “pari-mutuel barrel racing” create workarounds that put people like me out of work. Even the nation’s barrel racers and their associations don’t want it!
Governor Scott, I am counting on you to please say “NO” to “pari-mutuel barrel racing” and save my job in Florida’s horse racing industry.
Sincerely yours,
Name (PRINT) _______________________________________________
Signature ___________________________________________________
Address ____________________________________________________