Hanover Harrisburg yearling videos being posted daily

from Hanover Shoe Farms

Hanover, PA — Hanover Shoe Farms are in the process of filming the videos of their yearlings selling at Harrisburg. Most of the videos of the trotting colts are up now. All of the others will be posted on a daily basis until the process is completed.

The videos can be found at the Hanover Shoe Farms website www.hanoverpa.com. It’s anticipated that they should all be up by the end of this week.

Visitors will be welcome to see and evaluate the yearlings daily at 11 a.m., except Sunday, beginning Monday (Oct. 14) at the Hanover Fairgrounds. The yearlings will be available for inspection there through Friday (Nov. 1). They will ship to Harrisburg on Saturday (Nov. 2) and be available for inspection there beginning at 8 a.m. on Sunday (Nov. 3).

Appointments are not necessary but would be greatly appreciated.

Please call or contact Dr Bridgette Jablonsky at 717.578.7395 or drjablonsky@hanoverpa.com or Murray Brown at 717.487.1812 or hofmurray@aol.com to let them know you are coming. They will arrange to have the yearlings available that you are interested in seeing and arrange for lunch while you are there.

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