Name Western Hanover’s final foal

from Harness Racing Communications, a division of the USTA

Freehold, NJ — Hanover Shoe Farms is looking for help to name their very last foal of the great stallion Western Hanover, a colt born at the farm on June 16.

Hanover Shoe Farms photo

This colt, the last foal of the great Western Hanover, was born on June 16.

The colt is the son of Western Hanover and the mare Armbro Romance. He has a large star on his forehead that bears a close resemblance to his father’s and his right hind ankle is white.

As is farm custom, the name selected must bear the Hanover surname, but in a break with tradition, they will consider first names that begin with any letter of the alphabet. Ordinarily, the farm gives foals a first name that begins with the first letter of the dam’s name, in this case, an A. The first name cannot exceed 11 letters or spaces, in keeping with USTA regulations that require names to total no more than 18 letters or spaces.

“We feel this foal’s birth signifies the end of an era for the farm and for the sport,” said Farm President Jim Simpson. “Western Hanover’s influence will be very strong for many years to come. We want to make sure our very last foal by him carries a name that befits his father’s greatness.”

Submissions should be made to and will be accepted through June 30, 2008. The winner will be selected by Hanover Shoe Farms and an announcement will be made of the selected name no later than July 15. In case of identical names being submitted and selected, a random draw will be conducted and a single prize awarded. The winner will get a package of Hanover Shoe Farms and USTA logo items as well as the opportunity to visit the foal at the farm in Hanover, Pennsylvania.

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