New payment schedule for Northwestern Ohio Colt Racing Association

by Bill Peters

The directors of the Northwestern Ohio Colt Racing Association, which consists of fairs at Paulding, Oak Harbor, Bowling Green, Napoleon, Hicksville, Van Wert, Wauseon and Montpelier, have adopted a new payment schedule for their 2- and 3-year-old colt and filly stakes.

In the past, Van Wert has raced super stakes with a $50 nominating fee on February 15, a $50 sustaining fee on April 15 and a $200 entry fee. The other seven fairs have had a $35 nominating fee, a $35 sustaining fee and a $75 entry fee.

Under the new payment schedule, all eight fairs will have a $50 nominating fee on February 15, a $50 sustaining fee on April 15 and a $30 entry fee. All owners must continue to pay a $40 membership fee.

Comparisons were made with two super stakes raced at Van Wert and 11 “traditional” stakes representing a cross-section of races raced at the other seven fairs in 2011.

In both of the super stakes, the horses finishing third or worse came out ahead financially with the $50-$50-$30 payment schedule. In one of them, the horse finishing second had the same financial advantage under both payment schedules.

In the 11 traditional stakes, ten of the races showed a financial advantage for all horses in the race with the $50-$50-$30 payment schedule. The 11th race showed an advantage for the winning horse only under the $35-$35-$75 schedule.

Anyone wishing to have a copy of the comparisons may obtain one by phoning Bill Peters, the secretary-treasurer of the Northwestern Ohio Colt Racing Association, at 419.298.7408.

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