Prewitt-Aiello match race raises $39k for equine aftercare

Pompano Beach, FL — With the match race between Pompano Park’s Gabe Prewitt and Gulfstream Park’s Pete Aiello now history, the final total raised for equine aftercare reached $39,490 as donations were received from many members of the Send It In Army, as well as matching donations from Horseshoe Indianapolis and Gulfstream Park, further bolstered by a generous stipend from the Florida Amateur Driving Club.

The big winners were the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance and New Vocations, both organizations providing aftercare for retired racehorses after their respective careers are over on the racetrack as they are welcomed into their new homes as riding horses, show horses or well-earned retirement.

Hall of Fame horseman Wally Hennessey expressed it best by saying, “These horses are great athletes, just as a baseball player, football player or hockey player. They give their heart and soul every time they step on the track, whether it be for a training session or in the heat of competition. They most certainly deserve a life of leisure after their racing days are over, and this event went a long way in that endeavor. It’s just wonderful, and Gabe and Pete put on a great show that took weeks for them to prepare.

“To put it mildly, it was a huge success!”

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