by Tom Engle, for Saratoga Casino Hotel
Saratoga Springs, NY— OnTuesday (July 17), the Kentucky Gaming Commission voted to unanimously approveSaratoga Casino & Hospitality Group as the new owner and operator of EllisPark. Located in Henderson, Ky., Ellis Park is home to a Thoroughbred racetrack,a simulcast racing mezzanine and Instant Racing Machines.
“Wewould like to sincerely thank the Kentucky Gaming Commission for their timelyapproval of this transaction,” said Daniel Gerrity, President of SaratogaCasino & Hospitality Group. “I would also like to thank Mr. Ron Geary forhis integral role in this transition process. Ron has been a consummateprofessional to work with during our now six-year partnership and we wish himand his family the very best as he begins his well-deserved retirement.”
In2012, Saratoga Casino & Hospitality Group purchased a 30% minority stake inEllis Park. The partnership paved the way for Ellis Park to invest in InstantRacing Machines to supplement their thoroughbred racing product. Tuesday’s acquisition will transfer theremaining 70% ownership stake to Saratoga Casino & Hospitality Group.
“We’reconfident that our working knowledge of the property will allow for a seamlesstransition and we’re very excited to further our commitments to Ellis Park,building upon the vision created by Ron Geary,” said Gerrity.
Headquartered in SaratogaSprings, N.Y., Saratoga Casino & Hospitality Group owns and operatesSaratoga Casino Hotel in Saratoga and Saratoga Casino Black Hawk in BlackHawk, Colo.