SOA of New York pays out $1.6 million to retirement plan participants

Yonkers, NY — The SOA of New York has paid out $1,662,859.54 to the drivers, trainers and grooms who have participated in our new retirement plan at Yonkers Raceway since Jan. 1, 2018. The plan provides for participants who earned credits to elect to roll over the funds or take a payout.

Those electing a payout saw checks ranging from a low of $2,451.02 and a high of $61,686.12.

The total number of beneficiaries sharing in the payouts were 118 grooms, trainers and drivers who participated at Yonkers and reached eligibility for such payouts. The SOA of NY rolled over additional funds as per the wishes of those not electing a cash payout.

The payouts were made to the smallest and largest participating horsemen’s stables based solely on meeting eligibility requirements.

The funding for such benefits to the participants is a result of all the revenue streams made available by state law provisions and the contract with MGM Yonkers — provisions that must be actively guarded.

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