Southern Oaks: 2014 training roster

by Kendra Casselman

All the stalls are full at Southern Oaks in Sorrento, Fla. Sires with first crops in training at Southern Oaks are Big Stick Lindy, Lucky Chucky, Mr Cantab, Muscle Massive, Rockin Image, Rock N Roll Heaven and Sportswriter.

Dave Arrenholtz Stable
Catch The Chicken 2,c,p, Western Terror–Caress Hall
Feetonthedashboard 2,f,p, Panspacificflight–Incredible Dodger
Maisey Hanover 2,f,t, Explosive Matter–Mary Ana Hanover

Rollette 3,f,t, ($2,770) American Native–K C Kate

John Butenschoen Stable
Acts Of Terror 2,c,p, Western Terror–Bouncing Hanover
Ailsa 2,f,p, Rock N Roll Heaven–Late Closer
A Legacy Continues 2,c,p, Western Terror–Mib Hanover
Always Gorgeous 2,f,p, Always A Virgin–Miss Gorgeous
American Messenger 2,c,p, American Ideal–Good Stuff
Ameritime 2,f,p, American Ideal–L’Chaim
Boots N Chains 2,c,t, Yankee Glide–Celebrity Liza
Boulder Roller 2,c,p, Rocknroll Hanover–Who Moved The Rock
Dragon Eddy 2,c,p, Dragon Again–Jaska Hanover
Explosive Drama 2,c,t, Explosive Matter–Phillycityhall
Gold Coast Muscle 2,c,p, Art Major–Ideal Coast
Happiness 2,f,p, Rocknroll Hanover–Panevolence
Harmonyoakscricket 2,f,p, Panspacificflight–Royal Rulah
Just For A Victory 2,c,t, Valley Victor–Just Having Fun
Lucky Heartbeat 2,c,t, Lucky Chucky–Heartbeat Hanover
Mistup Magic 2,f,p, Dragons Again–Maremma Hanover
My Man Kenny 2,c,t, Explosive Matter–Kimmie Hall
Ned Pepper 2,c,t, RC Royalty–Hot Chili Girl
Pennyforurthoughts 2,c,p, Western Terror–Find A Penny
Prince Seelster 2,c,p, Rock N Roll Heaven–Pauline Seelster
Sid Rock 2,c,p, Rocknroll Hanover–My Fantasy
Sports Idol 2,c,p, Sportswriter–Moving Pictures
Strategic Alliance 2,c,t, Yankee Glide–Swift Kid Hanover
Sugar And Cream 2,f,t, Explosive Matter–Chippiesbrownsugar
Suit And Tie 2,c,t, Andover Hall–Warrawee Krisp
True Blue Hall 2,c,p, Third Straight–Tabloid
Try N Keep Up 2,f,p, Western Terror–By Your Side

Allstar Partner 3,c,p, (p,2,1:51.4f, $282,545) Four Starzzz Shark–Faithful Ideal
Amped Up Hanover 3,c,t, (2,1:55.4f, $119,990) Explosive Matter–Armbro Amadeus
Dony Andreas 3,c,t, (2,1:58.3f, $37,182) Donato Hanover–Allamerican Phoebe
Gone Like The Wind 3,c,t, Swan For All–Aunt Holly
Jimy Beach 3,c,p,(p,2,Q1:57.4f) Somebeachsomewhere–So Arts
Kings Barns 3,c,p, ($8,210) Western Terror–Babylon Sister
Marathon Man 3,c,t, ($1,040) Glidemaster–Armbro Everlasting
Marzy Bearzy 3,f,p, (p,2,1:54.3, $25,080) Rocknroll Hanover–Sleaze Biscuit
McVita Bella 3,f,p, (p,2,1:53.3f, $95,671) Somebeachsomewhere–Cheyenne Sabrina
Pale Ale 3,c,t, Andover Hall–Blushed
Relleno Hanover 3,c,p, Somebeachsomewhere–R Ellen Hanover
Rocknroll Reality 3,c,p, (p,2,1:52.2f, $43,830) Rocknroll Hanover–Arts Reality
Stirling Cadillac 3,c,p, (p,2,1:58.1h, $9,738) Bettor’s Delight–Village Jato
Theindecentlawyer 3,g,p, (p,2,1:55.2f, $14,976) Rocknroll Hanover–Decent Lawyer
Winds Of Terror 3,g,p, (p,2,1:53.1f, $21,538) Western Terror–Southwind Laurel
Workandplayhard 3,g,p, (p,2,1:52.2f, $45,003) Western Terror–Slice Of Life

older horse
Valley Of Sin 4,h,t, (3,1:52.3f, $150,759) Yankee Glide–Anklet Hanover

Joan and Rich Day Stable
Two Days Finale 2,f,t, SJ’s Caviar–Oceana Hanover

James “Friday” Dean Stable
Ballybunion 2,c,p, Mach Three–Rosapenna
Current Course 2,c,p, Rocknroll Hanover–Shake That Junk
Ennistymon 2,f,p, Rock N Roll Heaven–Enniscrone
Eva 2,f,p, Art Official–Barely Legal
Jeb 2,c,p, Camluck–Keystone Treasure
Rise Again 2,c,p, Santanna Blue Chip–Miami Yankee

Sam 3,f,p, ($6,400) Dragon Again–Kahlua Queen
Northern Juno 3,c,p, ($4,454) Camluck–Stonebridge Award
Sock Hopper 3,f,p, ($806) Rocknroll Hanover–Bunny’s Legacy
Surprise Hanover 3,c,p, (p,2,Q1:58.1, $25,459) Bettor’s Delight–Shady Past

Brad Firlotte Stable
Gilbird Hanover 2,f,p, Western Ideal–Go For Best

Carl Jamieson Stable
Cheekie 2,f,p, Rocknroll Hanover–Thong
Danielle Hall 2,f,t, Deweycheatumnhowe–Debbie Hall
Giddy Up Jack 2,c,p, Camluck–Fabulous Flori
Imthebigstar 2,f,p, Rocknroll Hanover–Gadgets To Go
Ja El Storm 2,c,t, Kadabra–Miss Ridge
Lucky Plum 2,f,t, Muscles Yankee–Plum’s Victory
Make Some Luck 2,c,p, Camluck–Mustang Kensley
Northern Cupid 2,c,p, Camluck–Northern Athena
Roc King 2,c,p, Rocknroll Hanover–Queen Otra
Shakai Hanover 2,f,p, Well Said–She’s A Fan
Sporting The Look 2,c,p, Sportswriter–Lyons Mandi
Steady Reign 2,c,t, Deweycheatumnhowe–Invisible Lady
Tiffany Case Hall 2,f,p, Well Said–Matt’s A Coming
Warrawee Quixote 2,c,t, Federal Flex–Warrawee Kate
Yes You Can 2,f,p, If I Can Dream–Cantbuymehappiness

Bahama Blue 3,f,p, (p,2,1:55.2f,$72,440) Somebeachsomewhere–Isabella Blue Chip
Serendipitious 3,f,t, (2,1:58.4f, $9,900) Majestic Son–Royal BG
Southwind Patriot 3,c,t, Muscle Hill–Southwind Prelude
Windsong Khloe 2,f,p, ($800) Rocknroll Hanover–Jasper Avenue

Skip Lewis Stable
J P Seventy Three 3,c,t, Crazed–J Lee

older horse
Noni’s Promise 4,m,t, R C Royalty–Nowerland Nanette

Eddie Lohmeyer Stable
Charlies Vacation 2,c,t, Conway Hall–Divine Eos
Chimney Rock 2,c,t, Muscles Yankee–Reven Eleven
Cypress Point 2,c,t, Yankee Glide–Fantasy Yankee
Feel The Burn 2,f,t, Muscles Yankee–Win A Million
For The Glory 2,f,p, Art Major–Day After Day
Ideal Nuggets 2,f,p, Western Ideal–Rough Sketch
Larkspur 2,c,t, Kadabra–So Wonderful
Silvermass Volo 2,c,t, Muscle Massive–Silver Springs

Charleston Springs 3,c,t, Kadabra–Pacific Elegance
Pacific Empire 3,c,t, Crazed–Fantasy Yankee
Trish 3,f,t, (2,2:01.4f, $39,230) Conway Hall–So Wonderful
You And I 3,f,t, (2,1:56.3f, $9,340) Muscles Yankee–Spendthrift

Erv Miller Stable
Airman Batten 2,c,t, Swan For All–Ladylike Volo
Allaboutmichelle 2,f,p, Rocknroll Heaven–Cheerful Outlook
Aristobrat Hanover 2,f,p, Rockin Image–Allamerican Rand
Bolshoi 2,c,t, Explosive Matter–Village Ballet
Brioni 3,c,p, Four Starzzz Shark–Armbro Bahama
Bugatti Beauty 2,f,p, Art Major–Armbro View
Christeros 2,c,p, Quality Western–Round Again
Dan D Dune 2,g,p, Duneside Perch–Witch Hanover
Deception 2,f,p, Well Said–Kats Treasure
Divine Lindy 2,g,t, Crazed–Crown N Lindy
Dontmeswiththebest 2,c,p, Western Terror–Numberone Treasure
Double Minutes 2,f,p, Bettor’s Delight–Double Flip
Enerhax Hanover 2,c,p, Well Said–Erma La Em
Engine One O One 2,c,p, Sportsmaster–Fox Valley Amelia
Fire Stop 2,c,t, Muscles Yankee–Silicone Valley
Fox Valley Moxie 2,f,p, Sportsmaster–Miss Swift
Hadad Hanover 2,c,t, Explosive Matter–Hotentrot Hanover
Hall Of Terror 2,c,p, Western Terror–Maytime Hall
Heavens Legacy 2,f,p, Rocknroll Heaven–Unique Legacy
I’m A Free Fella 2,g,p, Artistic Fella–I Am Free
Keystone Porter 2,c,p, Bettor’s Delight–Take My Pulse
Keystone Shelby 2,f,t, Explosive Matter–Keystone Sirena
Lisa’s Zmj Leading 2,f,t, Mr Cantab–Celebrity Faith
Mance Hanover 2,c,t, Swan For All–Mama B
Mr Leland’s Filly 2,f,p, Sportsmaster–Incredible Katie
Mr Tsunami 2,c,t, Mr Cantab–Wave After Wave
Mystical Rainbow 2,f,p, Always A Virgin–Bluebird Waned
Natural Wonder 2,c,t, Muscle Massive–Aiken For Clay
Naughty II 2,f,t, Here Comes Herbie–Msnaughtybynature
No Reason At All 2,c,t, Andover Hall–Roisin
Party Rock 2,f,p, Rockin Image–Yankee Celebration
Ponda’s Seduction 2,f,t, Big Stick Lindy–A Sweet Seduction
Pop The Tags 2,f,p, Bettor’s Delight–Breathe
Rockin In Paradise 2,c,p, Rockin Image–Paradise Island
Rockin Jimmy 2,c,p, Rockin Image–Fox Valley Ivy
Rooster Rabbit 2,g,p, Rocknroll Hanover–Economic Clout
Royal Richwood 2,g,p, Richess Hanover–Shessoluvabull
Southwind Harmony 2,f,t, Muscle Hill–Honey Pie
SS Poseidon 2,c,t, Muscle Hill–Silverstar Volo
Stars Align 2,f,t, Lucky Chucky–Dior Kosmos
Super Rockin Image 2,c,p, Rockin Image–Peachy Yankee
Surf Report 2,c,p, Sportswriter–Stonebridge Luau
Take Charge Karl 2,c,p, Panspacificflight–Wilfully Dunrite
The Grand Filly 2,f,t, Muscle Mass–Six Figure Dreams
This Baby Rocks 2,g,p, Rockin Image–Ya Baby
Townline Dali 2,c,p, Dali–Donnas First Shark
Ya Want To Drag 2,g,p, Dragon Again–Cruzin Inya Jammys

Always A Flyin 3,g,p, (p,2,Q1:57.3, $1,104) Always A Virgin–Tyber Song
Always Graceful 3,f,p, (p,2,1:57.4, $13,935) Always A Virgin–Cosmic Grace
Andi’s Alana 3,f,t, (2,1:56.4, $325,162) Swan For All–It’s Your Deal (Indiana 2-year-old trotting filly of the year)
Archetto Hanover 3,f,p, (p,2,1:55.2h, $137,076) Bettor’s Delight–Arts Masterpiece
Badger Quinn 3,c,p, (p,2,1:55, $39,860) Yankee Skyscaper–Hot Shot Michelle
Bankers For All 3,f,t, (2,2:01.1, $17,044) Swan For All–Bankers Princess
Bettor Believe It 3,c,p, Bettor’s Delight–Queen Otra
Cheap Wine On Ice 3,f,p, Yankee Skyscaper–Torpedo Express
Donato’s Dream 3,f,t, Donato Hanover–Gabby’s Dream
Fly’n With Royalty 3,g,p, (p,2,1:53.1, $45,593) Panspacificflight–Royal Special
Ideal Helen 3,f,p, (p,2,1:53.3, $125,736) Western Ideal–Armbro Nectarine
Illegal Lady 3,f,t, Deweycheatumnhowe–My Day To Play
Imperial Storm 3,g,t, ($10,460) Swan For All–Miss Imperia
Jazzmanian Devil 3,g,p, (p,2,1:52, $55,468) Sand Shooter–Artbeat
Jet Airway 3,c,p, (p,2,1:50.2, $62,499) Jereme’s Jet–Aromatic
Kite Flyer 3,f,t, Yankee Glide–Kitefin Hanover
Little Baby Peanut 3,f,t, Conway Hall–Classical Beth
Little Ways 3,f,p, Art Major–Armbro View
M A Refling 3,f,p, ($9,575) Life Guard On Duty–Reflecting Pool
Mattchew 3,g,t, ($2,640) Northern Kid–She’s So Pine
Mizmealilbit 3,f,p, No Pan Intended–Guan Yin
Mystical Shooter 3,c,p, (p,2,1:55, $12,650) Sand Shooter–Sneaky Yankee
Neat 3,c,p, (p,2,1:53.2f, $47,493) Art Major–Stonebridge Luau
On My Own 2,f,p, Badlands Hanover–Fox Valley Lucerne
Poor Julie 3,f,p, Bettor’s Delight–Cool Character
P Q Three 3,c,p, (p,2,1:50, $111,899) Yankee Skyscaper–Sweltering
Psychotic 3,f,p, Art Major–Schoolofcardknocks
Sailin Metro 3,c,p, (p,2,1:53.1, $88,604) Metropolitan–Sail Lynee Mindale
Slice Slice Baby 3,f,t, ($3,175) Conway Hall–Credit Guaranteed
Some Kinda Beach 3,c,p, Somebeachsomewhere–Art’s Fantasy
Swan Legend 3,g,t, Swan For All–Viking Topaz
Swan Yankee 3,f,t, (2,Q,1:57.3f, $34,562) Swan For All–Yankee Dee
Talkative 3,f,p, (p,2,1:53f, $74,112) Well Said–Unspoken
Traffic Cop 3,g,p, (p,2,1:52.1, $77,635) Sportsmaster–Dixie Girl
Uncle Ugly 3,g,p, Yankee Skyscaper–Yankee Blue
Well Did 3,c,p, (p,2,Q1:58.3f) Well Said–Marnie Hall
Western Conquest 3,c,p, (p,2,Q1:55.2f, $54,013) American Ideal–Aries Conquest

older horses
Crazy On You 4,m,p, (p,3,1:52.4, $121,884) Always A Virgin–Gala Gal
Deep Sea Hanover 4,g,p, (p,3,1:52.3f, $25,250) Western Ideal–Deer Valley Miss
Pine Credit 4,h,t, (2,1:54.3, $411,125) Credit Winner–Ms Piggy Pine
Some Kinda Beach 4,h,p, (p,3,1:50.1f, $157,180) Somebeachsomewhere–Art’s Fantasy
Southwind Terror 4,h,p, (p,3,1:51, $28,805) Camluck–Tattoo Hanover
Team Six 4,h,t, (3,1:54.3f, $45,630) Yankee Glide–Armbro Vanquish

Dr Ian Moore Stable
Darkside 2,c,p, Shadow Play–Kiss Of Life
Five Oclock Shadow 2,c,p, Shadow Play–Forabber N Abber
I Shadow 2,f,p, Shadow Play–Putnams Wonder
Margarite Blue Chip 2,f,p, Shadow Play–J K Priceless Pearl
Mishegas Blue Chip 2,c,p, Rocknroll Hanover–JK Good Vibrations
Rockin In Heaven 2,c,p, Rock N Roll Heaven–Tropics Beachgirl

Arthur Blue Chip 3,c,p, (p,2,1:51.2, $400,120) Shadow Play–Advantest
Graceful Melody 3,f,p, ($720) Art Major–Gone Dancing
Shadows Wonder 3,f,p, (p,2,1:54.2, $48,260) Shadow Play–Putnams Wonder
Silverhill Shadow 3,c,p, (p,2,1:56.4h, $5,530) Shadow Play–Ruthie Jake

older horse
State Treasurer 5,h,p, (p,4,1:49.1, $480,491) Real Desire–Ideal Treasure

Pinske Stable
Badiou Hanover 2,c,p, Well Said–Blind Ambition
Elwell 2,c,p, Well Said–Temptress El
Longcat Hanover 2,c,t, Muscle Massive–Likeavirgin Lindy
Magestic Blue Chip 2,f,p, Rocknroll Hanover–Armbro Althea
Momercy Blue Chip 2,c,p, Rocknroll Heaven–Mercy Mercy Mercy
Pair Of Deuces 2,c,p, Badlands Hanover–Pacific Dragonette
Said No One Ever 2,c,p, Well Said–Sweethearts Dance
Show Some Leg 2,f,p, Mister Big–Bare Legs

Knockout Pout 3,f,p, Western Terror–Shy Gillian
Luxuriant Hanover 3,f,p, (p,2,Q2:00.1f) Well Said–Ladyking
Pretty Girl Swag 3,f,p, (p,2,Q1:58.3) Yankee Cruiser–Dances On The Wind
Slam Dunk Hanover 3,c,p, Mister Big–Shesaporsche
Temptation Hanover 3,f,p, (p,2,1:52.3, $25,219) Well Said–Tempest Blue Chip

older horse
Panera Hanover 4,m,p, (p,3,1:53.3f, $79,802) Rocknroll Hanover–Paris Hanover

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