Standardbred Retirement Foundation needs your help

from the Standardbred Retirement Foundation

Hamilton, NJ — When it comes to the plight of unwanted horses and slaughterhouses, one thing is clear. “Education can make a difference,” said Paula Campbell, President of the Standardbred Retirement Foundation (SRF). The forced closings of slaughterhouses in the United States, and shipping of horses across the borders to Mexico and Canada, has stirred a new group of Standardbred owners and trainers.

Through the efforts of the Standardbred Retirement Foundation, Standardbred owners everywhere are thinking beyond their horse’s days on the track and are turning to the Foundation for help. More than 200 owners and trainers are trying to ensure a safe and happy future for more than 150 pacers and trotters.

“Many of these horses were once great campaigners,” said Campbell. “But their glory days are long behind them and the people who care about them now simply cannot afford to keep them for life. They are turning to SRF for help in record numbers, numbers we have not seen in our 20 years of helping. The current and ongoing lack of funding is putting us in a very difficult position. We must ask people to wait until we have the funds to take in more horses. The waiting list is long and new horses are added daily. It is devastating to think what will happen to these horses if the wait is too long. Humane euthanasia should only ever be the very last option. The slaughterhouse is unacceptable.”

The number of adoptions is on the rise, but is offset by the number of horses awaiting SRF’s help. SRF is blessed with support from many wonderful donors, but fund raising efforts must take a giant leap to meet the steadily rising need.

“Charity begins at home,” said Campbell. “Squeaking by is no longer working. We are pleading to the entire racing community in the U.S. and Canada to step up and help in every way possible today, and for the long term.”

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