Yoder; Anthrop; Roach; GLADA winners at Fowlerville Fair on July 26

Fowlerville, MI, – Many of the members of the Great Lakes Amateur Drivers Association convened at the county fair in Fowlerville, Michigan for three races in their year-long amateur driving series and when those events were completed JD Yoder; George Anthrop and Richard Roach were victorious in their respective $2000 splits.

In the first split Steve Oldford sent Santini to the lead an was challenged by So Nanza Chip (JD Yoder) and the two raced as a team by the first quarter in:30.1

“I yelled over to JD that I’d let him go but he fired back that he was OK”, Oldford explained.

So they raced head to head all the way to the top of the lane and despite Yoder’s trotter being on the limb all the way Bo Nanza Blue Chip was the strong horse and wet on to a one-length 2:01 victory. Swan Leader (Ryan Barrett) rallied to finish second and Big Boy Rosco (Kelly Walker) was third as Santini faded to finish fourth.

In the second split Oldford again cut the fractions this time with Kiffir Kemp and they led all the way to the top of the stretch. George Anthrop hustled Pepin Coolie to the lead and they finished a two-length winner over Emerald Chip (Jim Ingersall) in the 2:02.2 trotted mile. Kiffir held on for the show dough.

In the final split Richard Roach took no prisoners and went down the road with Little Jedi parking a hung-out Classic Rewind (Jerry Mihelich) to the top of the stretch before he faded and finished third. Classic Player (Ryan Barrett) rallied late to garner the show dough in the 2:03.2 trotted mile

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