NJ Judge declares Charlie May winner of the 2021 Meadowlands Pace

Columbus, OH — In an appeal heard by New Jersey Administrative Law Judge Andrew M. Barron, Charlie May was declared the winner of the 2021 Meadowlands Pace. His decision has been filed with the New Jersey Racing Commission for consideration.

According to Deputy Director John Tomasello, the New Jersey Racing Commission will consider this initial decision at its March 22, 2023 meeting.

Barron’s judgment, announced on Friday (Feb. 10), overturns the decision or ruling of the Board of Judges of the New Jersey Racing Commission decision to disqualify Charlie May in the race at Meadowlands Racetrack on July 17, 2021. The disqualification prevented owner Donald Tiger from entering Charlie May in the Little Brown Jug in Delaware, Ohio, later that year.

In the Statement of the Case, Judge Barron wrote, “On July 17, 2021, petitioner Don Tiger’s horse Charlie May was declared the unofficial winner of Meadowlands Pace Race 9. The winner of this race become eligible to apply to entry in an out of State race known as “Little Brown Jug’ in late September.”

“Shortly after finishing first and being declared the unofficial winner, Charlie May was disqualified for alleged interference with another horse and moved down to ninth (9th) place of nine horses in the race, essentially finishing last.”

Following is Judge Barron’s order:

“I hereby ORDER that the determination of the track side judges which was sustained by the Racing Commission must be REVERSED, as it was arbitrary, capricious and unjust, and violated petitioner’s fundamental due process rights, and the rights of the wagering public, whose interests the track side judges, and the Racing Commission are supposed to protect as well. I FURTHER ORDER that Charlie May should be reinstated as the winner of the Meadowlands Pace which was held on July 17, 2021.

“I hereby FILE my initial decision with the NEW JERSEY RACING COMMISSION for consideration.

“This recommended decision may be adopted, modified or rejected by the NEW JERSEY RACING COMMISSION, which by law is authorized to make a final decision in this matter. If the New Jersey Racing Commission does not adopt, modify or reject this decision within forty-five days and unless such time limit is otherwise extended, this recommended decision shall become a final decision in accordance with N.J.S.A. 52:14B-10.

“Within thirteen days from the date on which this recommended decision was mailed to the parties, any party may file written exceptions with the CHAIRMAN OF THE NEW JERSEY RACING COMMISSION, 140 E. Front Street, PO Box 088, Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0088, marked “Attention: Exceptions.” A copy of any exceptions must be sent to the judge and to the other parties.”

To read the complete order, click here.

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