Mackayla Morris offers thanks to Jessica Hallett

Jessica Hallett is a remarkable woman. Since we moved to the USA two years ago she’s captured our whole lives here in pictures and after the tragedy that happened in November to our family at Tioga Downs we are so immensely grateful for all the amazing pictures she took for us to remember our babies by.

Not only has she captured irreplaceable memories, she then started to write beautiful pieces about all 30 horses that were lost; they were no longer racehorses to the general public, they were now each individuals and she showcased their individual personalities so everyone could see them through our eyes. They all had their own quirks and likes and dislikes and this meant so much to us as a family that people could see how much we loved them and why.

A memorial was held at Tioga Downs a few weeks after the fire and a stranger came up to us and said she was so grateful for all Jessica’s articles as she now felt like she knew all the horses personally and it made her feel closer to them all.

That really hit a chord with us as we were so devastated by what had happened that we didn’t think about how it would have effected the wider community. Seeing the response to Jessica’s articles from the general public has given us so much support and encouragement to carry on, doing what we always have, that I don’t think people realize or appreciate the positive impact that Jessica has on the sport as a whole.

I didn’t include Jessica in my earlier thank you post, but I just felt that her continued support has gone above and beyond from simply just reporting about a fire.

Thank you Jessica from the whole Morris family, especially Norman and Suzie who appreciate all those pictures you took over the years. It means more to me than simple words.

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