by Jack Ginnetti
Marlborough, MA — For the first time in its 50-year history, Marlborough will be the site of the 33rd awards program of the New England Harness Writers chapter. A sold out crowd from 10 states will gather at the Courtyard Marriott next Sunday (Oct. 23) highlighted by award presentations to 56 contributors to harness racing.
The noteworthy event features a visit from Mike Tanner, executive vice-president and CEO of the USTA, and Bill O’Donnell and George Brennan, two of the sport’s legendary drivers.
The Hall of Fame inductees include Del Cameron, Stan Gutkowski, William Ellis, Freeman Parker, Diann Perkins and Ronald Ralph. Joining the writers’ Horse Hall of Fme are Best Jeffrey, Charmax, Fabro Wave, Lively Anne, Manhelm and Slim Down.
Golden era presentations will be made to the Antonacci family, Elmer Ballard, Paul Battis, Beckwith family, Nason family, Leroy Copeland, James Doherty, Barrie Farrar, William Faucher, Leigh Fitch, Paul Fontaine, Walter Hight, John Hogan, Dave McDuffee, Don Richards, Roger Slobody, Elmer Smith, Robert Tisbert and Ted Wing.
Achievement award honorees are Kim Brooks, Judy Cameron, Bob Constantino, Beth Dawley, DiAntonio family, Fryeburg Fair, William MacDonald, Stephen Quinn, Richard Sebeika, Ralph Seymour, Sheridan Smith, and Jim Winske and family.
The president’s award will be given to Maine’s Don Marean, District 9 (New England) chairman of the USTA directors, who is a featured speaker. Faucher will receive the Joseph A. Vaccaro Memorial Award, and Doherty is the 12th recipient of the Iron Man award.
Recognition awards will cite Wally Cryan (the voice of Foxboro for many years), Ralph English, Ralph Grasso, Charles Kelley, Tom Kyle, Greg Sewell and Clayton Smith.
Jack Ginnetti will be given a special award for his 50 years of coverage to the sport.
This special event would not have been possible without the work ethic of Robert and Marcia Lieberman, Robert and Sue Temple and William Ellis. The chapter is also grateful to Jean Emerson, Sue Higgins and Jim Winske for their efforts.