Taking the Torch
Nancy Takter finds Hambletonian glory with Tactical Approach
by James Witherite
Hambo Heights
Exploring a century of Hambletonian history
by Kathy Parker
Jugger Joe
The man who made the Little Brown Jug a classic
by Dean A. Hoffman
Profile: Annas Lucky Star
Head of the Class
Annas Lucky Star in a league of her own
by Neil Milbert
Horse Care
Breathe Easy
An overview of airway abnormalities
by Hope Ellis-Ashburn
Life After Racing
Calm During the Storm
Shark’s Legacy finds a new calling as both a trail companion and therapeutic riding horse
by Megan Rider
Equine Clinic
A Joint Effort
Fractured elbow cannot stop veteran pacer Chocolate Biskit
by Kimberly A. Rinker
Shoeing News
A Break in the Action
Recovering from coffin bone fractures
by Steve Stanley
The Director’s Chair
by Joe Faraldo
Finding Good Friends Abroad
Working with our international racing counterparts enriches and strengthens our sport back home
Under Wraps
by Tim Bojarski
Remembering Tom White
Longtime Little Brown Jug publicity director was universally liked
Food for Thought
by Tom LaMarra
A Better Solution?
An alternative to HISA is nearing fruition
In Every Issue
Through the Binoculars
Starting Lines
In Memoriam
Horsemen’s Shop
Advertisers’ Index
Photo Finish